B3 Studio Designs is located in the heart of Downtown Orlando.
If you'd like to come visit the showroom to get inspired, drop us a line to set up an appointment.
We are a full service design firm that can assist you in bringing your vision to life. We've spent years curating collections from around the world. Our inventory is full of timeless pieces and story-telling artwork you can't find anywhere else.
Whether you seek to design a custom home from the ground up, are looking for a refresh of your existing home, or want to work on a space within your home to fall in love with again. We are pleased to walk you through the process.
We specialize in turn-key design, which means we take on all the heavy lifting from start to finish. We offer in depth brand design that starts with your identity, and breath that spirit into your space.
We are Central Florida's choice for boutique interior design. We offer full service renovations, commercial resort and restaurant design, interior space planning, Faux Painting, Murals, Drapery & Window Treatments,